The Highlander Backyard Ultra: 50 Miles CONQUERED 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♂️

Imagine running a 4.167-mile loop every hour on the hour for an ultra-endurance race – that’s The Highlander Backyard Ultra. It’s a test of both physical and mental stamina, where participants must navigate not just the grueling distance but also the psychological challenges that come with running for hours on end. In this exhilarating account, I’ll share the incredible journey of conquering this unique race and the unexpected triumph that followed.

A Leap of Faith

Sometimes, the most extraordinary experiences start with an unexpected invitation. My dad’s decision to sign up for The Highlander Backyard Ultra tempted me into joining, setting the stage for an adventure I’ll never forget. Stepping into the race with an open mind, I knew my legs would still be recovering from a demanding Run the Blades 50km run the previous week. Additionally, with another race, the Devil o’ the Highlands, only three weeks away, avoiding injuries was paramount. Little did I know that this challenge would turn into one of the most remarkable achievements of my running journey.

Preparation and Camp Set up

Fate seemed to be on my side as I embarked on this endurance odyssey. The weather played its part perfectly, despite the build up the week prior, teasing of wind and rain, a similar outcome of the year previous. But the skies remained blue and the sun shone.

With the start time set for 12pm, the morning was a relaxed start, a big hearty bowl of porridge and then time to get the bags and camping gear chucked into the car. We set off on good time, aiming to be there for 10am, plenty time to set up our tents and get a feel for the place. While setting up the tents, I was in awe watching others set-ups, those that clearly had expectations to be running 24 hours +. Very impressive! Maybe one day…

A peanut butter and jam sandwich and a banana before getting all ready to start the first loop. I opted to wear trail shoes, my trusty Hoka Speedgoats, and also decided to wear a vest. While I knew I would be back at the self-made aid station between each loop, I knew I wanted to eat every 30 minutes, and I also prefer to sip away at water and electrolytes. This meant plodding each loop with my Salomon vest.

The Race Begins

Then it was time, we all got the whistle blow indicating 3 minutes until the start, another blow at 2 minutes to go, and of course, you guessed it, another with 60 seconds to go. This repeated for the start of each loop as the event unfolded. Before I knew it, we were off, hit immediately by a hill before the course unfolded amidst breathtaking beauty. I followed suit of a lot of Backyard Ultra enthusiasts, by walking the hills, even the one right at the start. And reserving that valuable energy which we would need as the hours ticked by.

The camaraderie amongst the runners was infectious, with countless inspirational individuals sharing the track.

Not to be forgotten were the marshals, the unsung heroes who uplifted our spirits – their disco-themed station at the top of a hill during the dark hours was nothing short of magical.

A Lofty Goal and a Gritty Pursuit

As the loops continued, a goal crystallised in my mind: completing 12 loops, totaling 50 miles. While anything less would have brought me immense joy, I was committed to pushing myself to reach that mark. The surprising thing was, as the miles accumulated, I found myself avoiding the fatigue and negativity that often crept in during longer runs. The Highlander was proving to be more than just a race; it was a confidence-boosting journey that defied my own expectations. I was absolutely beaming, always smiling and revelling in the strength that just kept coming.

The first 2 thirds of the loops was always tough, despite enjoyable, I would be crazy to deny the burn I felt at hitting the mile long hill halfway round the loop. Nothing to it that to walk that bad boy. And during each climb, there often was the temptation of, this could be my last loop, and that would be ok. But what goes up, must come down, and down I flew to the finish, feeling refreshed, powerful and energised eager to have a bash at just one more loop.

I decided that I would not refuse to go again, and that if I was to DNF (did not finish), it was due to being timed out – not making it back to the start line before the hour cutoff.

The Perfect Symphony of Support

Surrounded by a remarkable support system, the journey became even more unforgettable. My dad, a fellow participant, and I teamed up for several loops, mastering the art of pacing together. We figured out a great run/walk strategy, and got us completing the loop between 50 and 52 minutes – leaving us a good 8 minutes to nip to the toilet and top up water before going again.

And then there was the incredible support crew – Michael, my partner, along with our dogs, Indie, and Bowski. Their presence every hour breathed life into my weary legs and provided the much-needed encouragement. Seeing Indie and Bowski run up to me every time I finished a loop always lifted my spirits, while Michael’s unwavering support kept me going strong.

Unwavering Smiles and Raves

I reach all my targets that day; I never stopped wanting to go one more loop, I had fun, and I hit that unfathomable 50 mile milestone! 12 loops. 12 hours of running. 50 miles. However you look at it, that is one incredible endurance experience! I finished feeling I could go on, and as tempted as I was to do just that, I did not want to compromise my big race, the Devil of the Highlands.

Through each stride of those 50 miles, an undeniable smile graced my face. The Highlander Backyard Ultra had transformed into an experience that resonated deeply within me. Surpassing my longest previous distance of 50km, the race affirmed that I was capable of more than I’d imagined. It was an alignment of the stars – perfect weather, an inspiring course, unyielding support, and a runner’s unwavering determination.

Embracing the Future

The Highlander Backyard Ultra isn’t just an event; it’s a tapestry of grit, camaraderie, and personal discovery. As I reflect on those 50 miles conquered, I find myself already raving about this remarkable journey to everyone around me. It’s an experience that will echo through time, a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the power of pushing one’s boundaries.

I feel that this race format is something I can excel at, and with that, I have signed up for Rasselbock Backyard Ultra in March 2024 and plan to keep going until I can’t keep going. Will I be the last one standing? Follow me on Instagram to follow my journey.

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