Sticky Chilli Soy Aubergine with Pad Thai Rice Noodles, served with Mixed Greens

Welcome back, food lovers! Today, we’re taking a detour to Southeast Asia with an exquisite recipe that’ll captivate your senses. Feast your eyes (and taste buds) on our Sticky Chilli Soy Aubergine with Pad Thai Rice Noodles, garnished with spring onions and sesame seeds and served alongside a vibrant side of mixed greens. This vegan-friendly dish is the perfect blend of sweet, spicy, and savoury flavours, so let’s get stuck in!

A bowl with aubergine and noodles

A Culinary Journey to Southeast Asia

My Sticky Chilli Soy Aubergine with Pad Thai Rice Noodles offers a taste of Southeast Asia right in your kitchen. Aubergines, also known as eggplants, are a staple in Asian cuisine, loved for their soft texture and ability to soak up flavours. Coupled with the iconic Pad Thai rice noodles, this dish brings the aromatic and spicy elements of Thai cuisine into a comforting, home-cooked meal.

Good For You!

Aubergine (Eggplant): Aubergines are a rich source of dietary fibre and packed with various antioxidants that promote overall health.

Rice Noodles: Made from rice flour and water, these noodles are gluten-free and lighter than most wheat-based pasta.

Soy Sauce: Despite being low in calories, soy sauce is high in sodium, so it’s advised to use it sparingly. However, it does contain niacin, which contributes to brain function, and manganese, which aids in bone health.

Chilli Sauce: Besides adding a kick of heat, chilli sauce provides vitamin C and metabolism-boosting capsaicin.

Mixed Greens (Including Cabbage): Greens are packed with nutrients such as Vitamin K, Vitamin A, and Vitamin C. They’re also low in calories and high in dietary fibre.

Customise Your Dish:

One of the joys of cooking at home is the freedom to make a dish your own. Here are a few ways to customise our Sticky Chilli Soy Aubergine with Pad Thai Rice Noodles:

  1. Protein Boost: For a protein-packed meal, add tofu, prawns or chicken.
  2. Vary Your Veggies: Try adding other vegetables like bell peppers, carrots, or broccoli to the mix.
  3. Spice it Up: If you prefer more heat, add more chilli sauce or fresh chillies. Conversely, tone down the heat by using less chilli sauce.
  4. Noodle Swap: You can use other types of noodles, such as soba or udon, for a twist on the original recipe.


  • 2 medium aubergines
  • 200g Pad Thai rice noodles
  • 3 tablespoons of soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons of chilli sauce
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (or maple syrup for a vegan option)
  • 2 tablespoons of sesame oil
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • A thumb-sized piece of fresh ginger, grated
  • 2 spring onions, thinly sliced
  • 1 tablespoon of sesame seeds
  • 2 cups of mixed greens (including cabbage), shredded
  • Salt and pepper to taste

This Sticky Chilli Soy Aubergine with Pad Thai Rice Noodles recipe serves 4 people comfortably, making it an ideal option for a family dinner or a small gathering with friends.

In terms of preparation and cooking time, here’s what you can expect:

The preparation time, which includes slicing the aubergine, mincing the garlic, grating the ginger, and preparing the sticky chilli soy sauce, should take around 15 minutes.

Cooking time for this recipe, which includes sautéing the aubergine, simmering the sauce, and preparing the noodles and greens, is approximately 25 minutes.

Hence, you can expect a total time from start to finish of about 40 minutes, giving you a hearty and flavourful meal in under an hour.

So, in summary:

  • Serves: 4
  • Prep Time: 15 minutes
  • Cook Time: 25 minutes
  • Total Time: 40 minutes


  1. Cut the aubergines into 2 cm cubes. In a large pan, heat the sesame oil over medium heat. Add the aubergines and sauté until they’re golden brown and soft, about 10-15 minutes.
  2. While the aubergines are cooking, prepare your sauce. Mix the soy sauce, chilli sauce, honey (or maple syrup), minced garlic, and grated ginger in a bowl.
  3. Once the aubergines are cooked, pour the sauce over them. Stir well to ensure the aubergines are fully coated. Reduce the heat to low and let it simmer until the sauce becomes sticky, about 5 minutes.
  4. In the meantime, prepare the Pad Thai rice noodles according to the packet instructions.
  5. Toss the cooked noodles in with the sticky aubergine mixture. Stir well to ensure the noodles are fully coated with the sauce.
  6. For the side of mixed greens, simply steam the shredded cabbage and other greens until they’re tender but still vibrant.
  7. Serve the Sticky Chilli Soy Aubergine and Pad Thai Rice Noodles hot, sprinkled with sliced spring onions and sesame seeds, alongside the side of mixed greens.

This Sticky Chilli Soy Aubergine with Pad Thai Rice Noodles recipe promises a captivating culinary experience. With its medley of flavours and textures, it’s a surefire way to spice up your weekday meals or impress your guests at a weekend dinner party.

Don’t forget to share your culinary creations with us using the hashtag #TheHappyDiet and #ChilliSoyAubergineNoodles, and stay tuned for more delightful recipes from around the globe!

Sticky Chilli Soy Aubergine with Pad Thai Rice Noodles, served with Mixed Greens

Course: Main Course
Cuisine: Chinese, Japanese
Diet: Low Calorie, Vegan, Vegetarian
Keyword: healthymeal, noodles, ukfoodblog
Servings: 4 servings


  • 2 medium aubergines
  • 200 g Pad Thai rice noodles
  • 3 tablespoons of soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons of chilli sauce
  • 2 tablespoons of honey or maple syrup for a vegan option
  • 2 tablespoons of sesame oil
  • 2 garlic cloves minced
  • A thumb-sized piece of fresh ginger grated
  • 2 spring onions thinly sliced
  • 1 tablespoon of sesame seeds
  • 2 cups of mixed greens including cabbage, shredded
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Cut the aubergines into 2 cm cubes. In a large pan, heat the sesame oil over medium heat. Add the aubergines and sauté until they’re golden brown and soft, about 10-15 minutes.
  • While the aubergines are cooking, prepare your sauce. Mix the soy sauce, chilli sauce, honey (or maple syrup), minced garlic, and grated ginger in a bowl.
  • Once the aubergines are cooked, pour the sauce over them. Stir well to ensure the aubergines are fully coated. Reduce the heat to low and let it simmer until the sauce becomes sticky, about 5 minutes.
  • In the meantime, prepare the Pad Thai rice noodles according to the packet instructions.
  • Toss the cooked noodles in with the sticky aubergine mixture. Stir well to ensure the noodles are fully coated with the sauce.
  • For the side of mixed greens, simply steam the shredded cabbage and other greens until they’re tender but still vibrant.
  • Serve the Sticky Chilli Soy Aubergine and Pad Thai Rice Noodles hot, sprinkled with sliced spring onions and sesame seeds, alongside the side of mixed greens.


Customise Your Dish:

One of the joys of cooking at home is the freedom to make a dish your own. Here are a few ways to customise our Sticky Chilli Soy Aubergine with Pad Thai Rice Noodles:
  1. Protein Boost: For a protein-packed meal, add tofu, prawns or chicken.
  2. Vary Your Veggies: Try adding other vegetables like bell peppers, carrots, or broccoli to the mix.
  3. Spice it Up: If you prefer more heat, add more chilli sauce or fresh chillies. Conversely, tone down the heat by using less chilli sauce.
  4. Noodle Swap: You can use other types of noodles, such as soba or udon, for a twist on the original recipe.

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