Lightly Spiced Cous Cous

Welcome, culinary explorers! Today, I’m excited to walk you through one of my all-time favourite recipes: a Lightly Spiced Cous Cous dish. Laden with bell peppers, spring onions, red onions, peas, sultanas, and tofu, this dish has a perfect balance of texture and taste that will keep you coming back for more!

Exploring the Palette of the Lightly Spiced Cous Cous

Each time I prepare this Lightly Spiced Cous Cous, I relish in the colourful blend of ingredients that converge in this dish. It’s a feast for the eyes and a treat for the taste buds. The bell peppers provide a delightful crunch, the peas and sultanas offer a surprising sweet note, while the tofu adds a wholesome element to the mix.

Nutrition Uncovered

Cous Cous: A fantastic source of protein and fibre, cous cous lends this dish its healthful backbone and unique texture.

Tofu: A plant-based protein champion, tofu also provides a generous dose of calcium and iron.

Sultanas: These tiny dried grapes are packed with iron and potassium, adding a nutritional boost alongside their sweet flavour.

Personalise to Your Heart’s Content

Home cooking offers the freedom to tailor recipes to your own preferences. With this in mind, you might want to consider these variations:

  1. Experiment with Veggies: Feel free to toss in additional vegetables like sweet corn or diced courgette for more texture and flavour.
  2. Swap Your Proteins: Not a tofu fan? Swap it out with chickpeas or lentils, or for a non-vegan variant, you could try chicken or prawns.
  3. Heat Things Up: If you’re after a little more spice, add a sprinkle of chilli flakes or a splash of hot sauce.


  • 300g of cous cous
  • 1 red pepper, diced
  • 1 green pepper, diced
  • 1 spring onion, finely chopped
  • 1 red onion, finely chopped
  • 100g of peas
  • 50g of sultanas
  • 200g of tofu, cubed
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon of cumin
  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Heat the olive oil in a large pan over medium heat. Add the diced red and green peppers, spring onion, and red onion to the pan, sautéing until they become aromatic and tender.
  2. Stir in the peas, sultanas, and cubed tofu to the pan. Sprinkle the cumin, turmeric, salt, and pepper over the ingredients and stir to ensure an even coating of the spices.
  3. Reduce the heat, cover the pan, and allow the ingredients to simmer for around 15 minutes. This step helps to marry the flavours and create a wonderfully harmonious dish.
  4. While your vegetables and tofu are simmering, prepare the cous cous as per the package instructions.
  5. Once done, fluff the cous cous with a fork and add it to the pan. Stir everything together to ensure the cous cous is well incorporated with the other ingredients.
  6. Serve your Lightly Spiced Cous Cous hot and delight in the symphony of flavours!

Every spoonful of this Lightly Spiced Cous Cous offers a comforting warmth and an exploration of flavours that I thoroughly enjoy. It’s a dish that celebrates healthy ingredients, exciting textures, and of course, the pleasure of cooking at home. I’d love to see your takes on this recipe, so share your culinary creations using the hashtag #SpicedCousCousAdventure and #TheHappyDiet!

Mediterranean Orzo Pasta Bake

Discover a delectable Mediterranean Orzo Pasta Bake recipe that celebrates the rich heritage of Mediterranean cuisine. Learn about the nutritious ingredients and how to customize this dish for a delightful family dinner.
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time50 minutes
Total Time1 hour
Course: lunch, Main Course
Cuisine: Mediterranean
Diet: Low Calorie, Low Fat, Low Lactose, Low Salt, Vegan, Vegetarian
Keyword: healthy recipe, mediterranean recipe, oven bake recipe, plant based pasta, plant based recipe, tomato stew, vegan pasta dish, vegan recipe
Servings: 4 servings


  • 1 red onion roughly chopped
  • 3 garlic cloves minced
  • ½ aubergine chopped
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Yellow pepper and red pepper deseeded and chopped
  • Olive oil and salt for drizzling
  • 1 tin of chopped tomatoes 400g
  • 400 ml water
  • 1 tbsp tahini
  • 1 tbsp miso
  • 1 tbsp mixed herbs
  • 250 g orzo pasta
  • Squeeze of lemon juice


  • Preheat your oven to 180°C (350°F).
  • In an oven tray, combine the red onion, minced garlic, aubergine, cherry tomatoes, and chopped yellow and red peppers. Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with salt. Roast for 20 minutes until the vegetables begin to soften.
  • Add the tin of chopped tomatoes, water, tahini, miso, mixed herbs, and orzo pasta to the roasted vegetables. Mix everything well.
  • Bake for an additional 30 minutes or until the orzo pasta is tender, stirring halfway through.
  • Before serving, squeeze fresh lemon juice over the dish for a burst of citrusy goodness.


  1. Dietary Considerations: This Mediterranean Orzo Pasta Bake is not only plant-based but also suitable for vegetarians and vegans. If you have specific dietary preferences, feel free to adapt it accordingly.
  2. Cheese Lovers: For a cheesy twist, you can sprinkle some vegan or dairy cheese on top before baking. The melted cheese adds a creamy layer of goodness to the dish.
  3. Extra Greens: If you’re looking to boost your veggie intake, consider adding fresh spinach or kale to the mix. Toss them in during the last few minutes of baking to wilt gently.
  4. Protein Power: While this recipe is protein-packed with orzo and tahini, you can also add cooked chickpeas or white beans for an extra protein boost.
  5. Storage: Leftovers can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. It reheats beautifully, making it a great option for meal prep.

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